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Tag: space

March 14, 2022

The Critical Role Space Plays in Enabling C2 (The Ultimate High Ground)

For more than 15 years, the American joint force has been involved in perpetual conflict. During this period, near-peer adversaries have been watching, learning about, and aggressively closing the gap on United States’ (US’) asymmetric technological advantages (e.g., precision; stealth; or unmanned; cyber; and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance). Further, US dominance across all phases of warfighting remains heavily reliant on the ability to maintain situational awareness (SA) for the joint force commander; execute a decision cycle much faster than adversaries; and, ultimately, C2 the joint force (one of seven joint functions essential to accomplishing any mission).

June 1, 2017

True Impacts of Space Weather on a Ground Force

No single source is readily available in extant literature that adequately translates space weather events to impacts faced by a ground commander who has no background in astrophysics or electromagnetic wave propagation theory. This paper provides an overview of space weather that arises in the solar-terrestrial system and how space weather impacts can be incorporated into the planning process during heightened solar activity.