Airfield opening

Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Airfield Opening

March 2024

Corresponding Service Publication Numbers
USA - ATP 3-17.2
USMC - MCRP 3-20B.1
USN - NTTP 3-02.18
USAF - AFTTP 3-2.68

Description: This publication supports operational commanders and staffs by establishing tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) for airfield opening. This publication provides guidance for operational commanders and staffs on opening and transferring an airfield. It contains information on Service capabilities, planning considerations, airfield assessment and surveys, opening the airfield, and transitioning the airfield in all operational environments.

Public Release

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Instructions for ordering MTTP hard copies can be found on our ordering information page.

MTTP History

MTTP History

 2024 March  Published
 2024 January  Pending Publishing
 2023 October  Command Approval Package
 2023 January  Worldwide Review
 2020 November  Program Approval Package (revise with 15 month deferment)
 2020 September  Request for Feedback
 2018 October  Published
 2018 July  Command Approval Package
 2017 July  Worldwide Review
 2017 June Joint Working Group 2
 2017 April Joint Working Group 1
 2017 January Program Approval Package
 2016 October Request for Feedback
 2015 June Published
 2014 October Command Approval Package
 2013 November Worldwide Review
 2012 January Joint Working Group 2 
 2011 September Joint Working Group 1 (Port Opening)
 2011 September Program Approval Package
 2011 June Request for Feedback (Port Opening)
 2007 May Published


Airfield Opening