Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Aviation Urban Operations

February 2022

Corresponding Service Publication Numbers
USA - ATP 3-06.1
USMC - MCRP 3-20.4
USN - NTTP 3-01.04
USAF - AFTTP 3-2.29

Description: This manual is a tactical-level document for planning and conducting aviation operations in an urban environment. This publication complements established doctrine and provides a single-source reference to assist aviation and ground personnel in planning and executing tactical aviation support to urban operations. It promotes an understanding of the complexities of urban terrain, incorporating lessons learned.

Public Release

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MTTP History


MTTP History

 2022 Feb Published
 2021 Oct Command Approval Package
2021 Apr Worldwide Review
2020 Feb Joint Working Group 2
2020 Jan Joint Working Group 1
2019 Oct Program Approval Package
2019 Aug Request for Feedback
2016 Feb Published
2015 Nov Command Approval Package
2015 Jun Worldwide Review
2015 Apr Working Group 2
2015 Mar Working Group 1
2015 Mar Program Approval Package
2014 Oct Request for Feedback
2014 Jan Published
2008 Nov Published




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